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About Us

MINism's Essence

The most stunning innovations that make you say "Wow!" are the ones that solve the problems that we all face – from a vantage point that is entirely out of the ordinary. The best innovations, of course, are simple. This is what we believe that have guided our design work at MINism.


Our Principles

Simplicity surprises you because it comes in under the radar. This description fits MIN BELT to a tee. We have created something that is fresh and invigorating, something that is altogether new. MIN BELT is a belt, a belt that you use like any other, but it is also an innovation – a revelation of what the perfect belt can be. We strive at all times to stand out for the right reasons, to present ideas that are useful and novel. This is what drives us forward at MINism. We are not a fashion company but an ideas company.



